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hi, i'm bops.

Or Amy Grace. But Bops is my childhood nickname, and it's more fun. 

Born and raised in the sleepy coastal town of Durban, South Africa, I began nurturing an innate passion for storytelling from a young age.


After graduating top of my class with a BA in Creative Brand Communications (major in copywriting), I relocated to Johannesburg to join its fast-paced and dynamic agency scene.

My unrelenting passion for writing and creative conceptualisation, as well as my rigorous work ethic and eagerness to excel in everything I do, have since propelled my career across three different countries.


While many things have changed over the years, one thing never has: I live to write,

and my quest to find the right words is all-consuming and eternally fulfilling.

From rhythmic poetry to eloquent content, engaging social media, punchy one-liners, and end-to-end campaigns, I'm in my element when I'm telling stories. 

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